Fastai v2 code walk-thru 1

Video | Notes
Fastai v2 daily code walk-thrus
Fastai v2 chat

Hey there. Just wanted to share my notes with you I did while watching Jeremys first code walk-thru. The notes are pretty detailed - partly because there were lots of new things for me there and partly because I am understanding things better when I write them down :wink:

I hope they are helpful to you if you want to look something up you missed while watching the walk-thru (at least this is often the case for me). If you find any mistake or want to add some details: I am grateful for every reply :slightly_smiling_face: (Note: Jeremy turned this into a wiki, so feel free to add anything!) I made several screenshots during the video for a better understanding of my notes.

Here is the original post by Jeremy:
Fastai v2 daily code walk-thrus
and the YouTube video from walk-thru 1: fastai v2 walk-thru #1

Topics overview


  • fastai v2 is a rewrite from fastai v1 from scratch
  • Why v2? (More detail available in this post)
    • Always deadline pressure for v1
    • Course v3 part 2 -> rewriting parts of fastai during the course
    • Mid-level APIs not great: creating own stuff like datatypes is not that good
    • Good experience with literate programming -> using Jupyter Notebooks more
    • Note: If you are interested in literal programming, here is some background
    • Powerful python core -> taking better advantage of that
    • Understanding v2
      • Might be harder for intermediate programmers, though easier for newer programmers

Code can be found here

Git cloning:

  • There is a bunch of notebooks in the "dev" folder
  • Step one: git clone that
  • In the root folder "fastai_dev", there is the "environment.yml"
  • You can use that to create a conda environment
  • Alternative: follow the README
  • PyTorch must at least be version 1.2.0, Python 3.6 or 3.7 (safest)

After cloning:

  • In "tools" run "run-after-git-clone" once
  • Installs a git hook: everytime you push or pull, it will run a little python script

How usable is the library at the current stage?

  • Quite good, but still in an early stage -> if you experience some problems with the library, talk about it
  • Active development: commits every day

Once it is done, there will be a O’Reilly book (Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch: AI Applications Without a PhD) about it!

  • Important: Once the book is out, the API has to be somehow consistent with it
  • But: it won’t freeze the API
  • Deep Learning changes fast, so fastai has to adopt to it
  • If there is a need for really big changes, there will be another version 3 of fastai


  • Swift development is separate to this
  • Swift is waiting for some things to change for swift for TensorFlow
  • Still gonna be a while until swift is ready for a good fastai version

How to start working through v2?

  • If you are tempted to start with notebook “01”, then don’t :wink: would be too enthusiastic! It is the most complicated one because this sets up python to be in the right way for fastai
  • Sets up metaclasses, decorators, type-checking, context managers, monkey-patching
  • Though it is a great resource for learning advanced python tricks
  • Instead, start at the tutorial notebook "10"

10 Pets Tutorial

How do the notebooks work in general?

  • They start with a bunch of imports, all coming from "local.bla"
  • Could be simplified, if ".all" would be imported (e.g. " import *")
  • Why local? There is a local directory:

Example: Notebook 07


  • This means, notebook 07 creates an autogenerated python module called "local/vision/"
  • The thing that creates python modules from notebooks knows that "local" is special and that "local" refers this local repositorys version of fastai_v2. In order to export a proper set of modules it has to replace "local" with appropriate relative module paths (therefore "…").
  • On the whole, most of the time when you see something "#export" you will see it in the exact same way in the .py-file
  • In the notebooks you will find cells with "#export" in it and at the bottom of the notebooks, there is something that calls "notebook2script". When you run this cell, it converts all the notebooks. This actually creates all these python files.
  • This is done so that you can use your editor of choice the normal way and treat all these things just as normal python modules. But most of the time, you should just read, edit and use the notebooks -> they have notes, pictures, outputs etc. to help you see what’s going on.
  • "#default_cls_lvl 3" is not really important. Here, the documentation is created automatically from these notebooks
    • There you can see, these notebooks are turned into hyperlinked documentation. "Class level" refers to the heading level in the html-doc-file.
    • One way to see the output of something, like an image, would be to just type "im" to get an output within the notebook. But you will see those "test_" cells in the notebooks which have the purpose of
      • Telling you in the docs, what the result of the expression will be
      • Creating a test to see whether it is working correctly
      • In the Github repo, there is a README telling you how to run all notebooks as a test.

Back to Notebook 08

First thing is "local.imports import*"

  • This is special: it is the only python module not created by a notebook. It is just a bunch of imports as well as 6 functions

  • local.test is the test notebook "00_test.ipynb" which has all the test functions in it.

  • Core has all the core functions that Jeremy wishes to be in PyTorch but isn’t. “”: the data modules all have to do with stuff like transformations, pipelines etc. The other things like “vision” have to do with the different applications like vision, text, etc.
    You might still be familiar with “untar_data” from fastai v1. Remember, that you can always use ?? to see the sourcecode. Untar_data will download from URLs.PETs, untar it and then will retrun a path-object (default location is still like in v1 “fastai/data/”.)
    get_image_files: super fast way to grab a bunch of files. This just calls “get_files” and loads in a bunch of image_extensions and therefore gets a subset of all files by extension. “get_files” is pretty much the same as in v1 and as well a fast way to (optionally recursively) grab all files in a directory.

  • Trying to use only the lowest level functionality from fastai and do most of the things by hand:

  • Looks like a class, but actually it’s something that returns a function. This function will return a random bunch of integers of some size. Here split_idx has two things in it: the indexes of the training set and the validation set. (Note: later Jeremy said, it is the training and the test set?)

Why capital letters (which are normally used for classes only)?

  • everything that returns something, from which you still have to call things, will have capital letters.
  • grafik
  • This function opens images, resizes the images to some fixed size and then turns them into a tensor (with the channel axis first) between 0 and 1.


  • This class has a method "show" which can display images with a title.
  • -> Datasets will be returning tuples: x will be the tensor containing the image, y will be the name of the class.
  • Why do we have this class and show-method?
    • This is the first new part of the API
    • Every Class that has a show-method is something which can be used by the whole fastai-transformation-system.

Transform Class:

  • Big difference between v1 and v2
  • PetTfm is a Transform which returns a type annotation.
  • Type annotations are used a lot in v2.
    • Not for type-checking, but to make certain behaviours happen.
  • A transform is a reversible function.
    • It can "encode"/turn a path "o" into a tuple of an image and a label
    • Or the opposite direction "decode": going from a tuple of an image and a label into a TitledImage object. Actually, it is not returning the TitledImage object, but a tuple: the return type annotations in fastai transforms actually cast the data into this type.
    • Python normally does not behave this way, but this will be very useful for making short much simpler, shorter and less buggy.
  • Example: you could do
    • Problem with this is: x or y have no semantics. The type of y is just "int" and x is just a tensor. In fastai v2 these semantics, that are missing in PyTorch, are being added.
    • Changing this to a TitledImage is getting closer to what we want:
    • –> we can add types to things/give things functionality so that we can make use of the library and always use ".show"/".flip"/".rotate"/etc
    • –> Next step: knowing from where we came from and be able to get back to there. The Transform subclasses know how to take some input data and convert it into something to get you closer to model something with it. This always means losing some information and we no longer can display and understand it and therefore these subclasses also know how to reverse it.

  • In the init of creating PetTfm "vocab" (a list of all possible pet types) and "o2i" (reverse mapping object to integer) are passed in
  • Regular expressions are used with the function "RegexLabeller" to convert a path (like in "items[0]") into the particular pet
  • These are all the 3 things you need to create a PetTfm object:
    • Step 1 labeller: Create a function that labels path into a type of pet-string
    • Step 2 vals: Label everything in the training set (which is insplit_idx[0])
    • Step 3: create vocab and reverse mapping
    • Step 4: pass those 3 things to PetTfm
      pets(items[0]) calls "encodes" from PetTfm and pets.decode((x,y)) calls "decodes"

What is items?

  • Does not behave like normal lists -> own List-creation for fastai
  • Anywhere where you can write "list", you can also write L
  • You can index into it like into a normal list
  • But: unlike normal lists, you can index into it with lists and with masks and don’t have to put everything in “[ ]”
    Appending things to L-lists is much easier:
    And you can also add things to the front of the list with “9+a”

Try 2: do everything internally

  • This time only passing in the list of path names and index of the training set
  • Creating everything inside: not new functionality, only nicer design for Transform

Doing a number of steps with Pipeline class


  • Pipeline let’s you do a number of transforms in order and composes them together for you
  • Here the input is a list of paths and list of labels (what breed is each one)
    • Then, labels are sorted and a map is created
    • In "encodes": randomly decide 50% whether or not the second image is of the same breed as the first image
    • Returns a tuple of both images and a boolean
  • Interesting part: this is followed by another transform "OpenAndResize"
    • Takes the path, converts the images to the same size
  • To do both things in order, the Pipeline is used (which contains first the Siamese-Transform and then the OpenAndResize-Transform)
    • Then, you can use the pipeline (here with [0]) and you get the tuple of x,y,z (first and second image and the boolean) back
  • Now with a Method to show these tuples, you can have another pipeline which takes all these 3 things:

Looking at L(v).itemgot(0)

  • This basically does the first two steps at once:
    Also has got "attrgot" which handles defaults for things that are missing etc

Looking at the returned tuple of the SiamesePair Transform:

  • The tuple has two pillow-images and a boolean -> first thing in the pipeline
  • Next thing in the pipeline has a functions which resizes the images -> how does this work for the tuple?
  • The answer is the little trick with the type annotation ("parameter annotation")
    • This tells the transform system that this particular "encodes" only works on Paths
    • If it gets a tuple of different types, the function is only applied to elements of the type Path
    • Very handy for transforms to different types!

Using TfmdDS to transform items into datasets

  • Remember: ‘items’ is just the list of Paths, tfms is a list of transforms
  • tds = TfmdDS(items, tfms)
    • Takes the list of paths and the list of transforms and the transforms are lazily applied to the items
    • items[0]’ is a particular pet
    • tds[0]’ is this particular pet with the list of transforms applied to it
  • Actually ‘tfms’ a list of list of transforms
    • This is because in Deep Learning, you will almost always have at least a dependent and independent variable
    • List number 1 defines the transforms in the pipeline to create your independent variable
    • List number 2 is the transforms in the pipeline to create your dependent variable
    • You can have more than that!

.create methods

  • Most of the fastai v2 types will have this class method to create one of those things
  • Example:

That’s it for the first code walk-thru :slight_smile:


Thanks so much @Honigtoast - this is great! :slight_smile:

I’ve made this into a wiki so everyone can add/edit as needed.


Thanks for turning it into a wiki, Jeremy!

When Jeremy tweeted about new fastai-v2, I wanted to jump and start learning about the new version of fastai and contribute to it. But I did not know where to start. Luckily Jeremy posted about code walk-thrus and in his first code walk-thru he gave suggestions on how to get started. This post is on how to get started based on Jeremy suggestions.

  1. The code is available in

  2. Clone the fastai-dev repository. git clone

  3. Inside the fastai-dev folder you would find the dev folder which contains all the notebooks like 01_core.ipynb,08_pets_tutorial.ipynb etc.

  4. There are 2 approaches to install the required packages for running fastai.
    One approach is to use the environment.yml from the root of fastai-dev folder to create a seperate environment using conda. You can use the below command for it.
    conda env create -f environment.yml
    Another approach is to just install everything using conda based on the readme in fastai_dev branch.
    conda install -c fastai -c pytorch jupyter "pytorch>=1.2.0" torchvision matplotlib pandas requests pyyaml fastprogress pillow scipy
    pip install typeguard jupyter_nbextensions_configurator

  5. Once you have cloned and installed the required libraries run the following from inside your fastai_dev repository.

We just need to run the above command once. What is does is it set things up, so that when we do a pull/push request it cleans all the extraneous stuff in the notebooks which tends to cause conflicts. When you run a pull/push request it runs a python program which removes any extraneous stuff.

We are all set to explore fastai_dev.

We may be tempted to look into 01_core.ipynb which Jeremy warns to avoid doing so as it is very complicated as it sets up python in a different way. It starts with Metaclasses, decorators, type checking, monkey patching, context managers. If you are keen in learning advanced python concepts then it would be the right place to look. Jeremy recommends to start from 08_pets_tutorial.ipynb which is a tutorial notebook and shows how to use some of the low level fastai functionalities like Transforms, fastai lists, pipelines.

You can also watch the video where Jeremy did a code walk-thrus.


I’ve also moved @VishnuSubramanian helpful notes on getting started over here.


@Honigtoast I’ve converted your bare URLs into proper hyperlinks, which I think reads better. They are created like this:

[the docs](

That would create this link: the docs

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Thanks, that’s great! I only did that for half of the URLs, will do it better next time!

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problem in notebook 8:
when executing this block:
labeller = RegexLabeller(pat = r’/([^/]+)_\d+.jpg$’)
vals = map(labeller, items[split_idx[0]])
vocab,o2i = uniqueify(vals, sort=True, bidir=True)
pets = PetTfm(vocab,o2i,labeller)

Can anyone help?
Please see error message below.

AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
1 labeller = RegexLabeller(pat = r’/([^/]+)_\d+.jpg$’)
2 vals = map(labeller, items[split_idx[0]])
----> 3 vocab,o2i = uniqueify(vals, sort=True, bidir=True)
4 pets = PetTfm(vocab,o2i,labeller)

~\fastai_dev\fastai_dev\dev\local\ in uniqueify(x, sort, bidir, start)
452 def uniqueify(x, sort=False, bidir=False, start=None):
453 “Return the unique elements in x, optionally sort-ed, optionally return the reverse correspondance.”
–> 454 res = L(x).unique()
455 if start is not None: res = start+res
456 if sort: res.sort()

~\fastai_dev\fastai_dev\dev\local\ in _init(self, *args, **kwargs)
61 def _init(self,*args,**kwargs):
62 if self._newchk: return
—> 63 old_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
65 x.init, = _init,_new

~\fastai_dev\fastai_dev\dev\local\ in _init(self, *args, **kwargs)
34 def _init(self,*args,**kwargs):
35 self.pre_init()
—> 36 old_init(self, *args,**kwargs)
37 self.post_init()
38 setattr(x, ‘init’, _init)

~\fastai_dev\fastai_dev\dev\local\ in init(self, items, use_list, match, rest)
241 if items is None: items = []
242 if (use_list is not None) or not isinstance(items,(Tensor,ndarray,pd.DataFrame,pd.Series)):
–> 243 items = list(items) if use_list else _listify(items)
244 if match is not None:
245 if len(items)==1: items = items

~\fastai_dev\fastai_dev\dev\local\ in _listify(o)
219 if isinstance(o, list): return o
220 if isinstance(o, (str,np.ndarray,Tensor)): return [o]
–> 221 if is_iter(o): return list(o)
222 return [o]

~\fastai_dev\fastai_dev\dev\local\data\ in _inner(o, **kwargs)
79 def _inner(o, **kwargs):
80 res =
—> 81 assert res,f’Failed to find “{pat}” in “{o}”’
82 return
83 return _inner

AssertionError: Failed to find “re.compile(’/([^/]+)_\d+.jpg$’)” in “C:\Users\cross-entropy.fastai\data\oxford-iiit-pet\images\chihuahua_23.jpg”

Is this possibly because you are using windows? The slashes in your regex may need to be flipped around.

Maybe something like this?:


Yes, using Windows. That worked! Thanks @KevinB

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@jcatanza you are likely to be the only person using fastai v2 with Windows, so there might be lots of issues - maybe try using WSL or something to avoid problems? (We’re not really doing much with CUDA for a while, so it shouldn’t matter whether you are using GPU).


OK thanks Jeremy. Which version of Ubuntu do I need to install?

Anything is fine. I use 18.04.


The transcript of fastai v2 walk-thru #1


Has anyone successfully installed fastaiv2 on Google Colab?

Hey @davidpfahler I have as it’s all I use. Give me a moment and I’ll forward you directions on here

@davidpfahler Fastai v2 chat see this post

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Awesome, thanks!

@muellerzr I’ve made the FAQ a wiki post, so perhaps you can copy your Colab steps into the new ‘FAQ’ section at the end of this, if you have a moment:

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Sure! :slight_smile: Let me verify that everything is running fine and I didn’t miss a pip install :slight_smile:

Added :slight_smile: