1- Is fastai library available for the public use or is it only for fastai course students?
2- Is there coherent documentation for fastai? for example similar to keras explaining functionality, examples, parameters?
Thank you,
1- Is fastai library available for the public use or is it only for fastai course students?
2- Is there coherent documentation for fastai? for example similar to keras explaining functionality, examples, parameters?
Thank you,
Per description on GitHub, it’s all prealpha.
Any docs are with the code. I think we are encouraged to submit PRs to add documentation where we feel it’s needed
License is GNU gpl v3
Thanks Rob.
Yes we’re definitely interested in community contributions for docs, including ‘howto’ guides.
Hi Rob,
Sorry I do not know what does PRs stand for? Is there a document that describes how to submit PRs?
Pull Requests on the website which won’t be named as github where the world meets the developers/professionals/open source projects…
Thanks! now i understood better