Fastai examples dogscats NaN Loss

Interesting test. When I print those sums, I get high numbers but no nans.
Are you in half precision by any chance? Or can you train to redownload the data (remove the dogscats.tgz and folder to force it)?

@nok You are right, I can train without problem if I comment out the max_lighting part in the get_transforms().
ds_tfms=get_transforms(max_lighting=0) works fine too.

@sgugger I got the nan loss after redownload the data.

If everyone having this problem using Google Cloud?

I’m not on Google Cloud. This is my current enviroment: link

Do you need more details about my pc?

I have tested it again:

Test: GCP Deep Learning Image with latest git pull
Result: Still get NaN
Redownload the dogscats data, still get the same error. The tensor is just in cpu? so I don’t think it’s related to fp16

Seems like the issue comes from GCP since it only happens there. Jeremy has told them so that we can sort this thing out.

GCP = Google Cloud Platform?

I am not on Google Cloud

Oh interesting. @elmarculino what kind of CPU do you have? Can you try py36 and see if you still have the problem?

My CPU is an AMD Phenom II X6 1055t. I got the same problem with python 3.6.

I wonder if it’s an AMD issue. Are you using anaconda? Try a different BLAS library: . Please let me know if any of these fix the issue?

Model name: Intel® Xeon® CPU @ 2.50GHz

For my case, I am in GCP and a Intel CPU, in python 3.6 and 3.7

I also tried checkout at tag 1.0.5, still get NaN

Yes, I’m using anaconda.

First test: Install nomkl packages
conda install nomkl numpy scipy scikit-learn numexpr
Result: NaN loss

Second test: Install openblas
conda install -c anaconda openblas
Result: NaN loss

Could not unistall MKL:

The following packages will be REMOVED:

mkl: 2019.0-118
mkl_fft: 1.0.1-py36h3010b51_0 anaconda
mkl_random: 1.0.1-py36h629b387_0 anaconda
pytorch-nightly: 1.0.0.dev20181015-py3.6_cuda9.2.148_cudnn7.1.4_0 pytorch [cuda92]
torchvision-nightly: 0.2.1-py_0 fastai

Try now - update from master first. Hopefully it’s fixed (I can’t test since I can’t repro the bug).

It’s running without problem now. Thanks Jeremy

Last version:


Old version with ds_tfms=get_transforms(max_lighting=0)



Thx! it is fixed now, I try to look at the commits that you made yesterday, but it is not obvious to me which commits fix the issue, I am interested in what was causing this.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

For some reason, there was some numerical instability in the lighting transforms. The fix is the clipping introduced here.


Ah, thank you! I didn’t realize the clipping was fixing this issue. So this instability seems somehow depends on other things(hardware?) as seems it is not a issue for quite a few peoples.

Something like that. Or perhaps some blas issue.

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Has anyone else been suffering a sudden NaN loss with other datasets?

I’m working with a large (200k) dataset for binary classification that gracefully descends a loss curve from .10 to .03 and in about 1 in 5 runs loss suddenly goes NaN when previous epochs have descended nicely. Granted that’s a low per-batch likelihood but high per-run. It never happened to me pre 1.0. I haven’t touched the loss_func. Once, it came back from NaN after a few epochs as if nothing had happened. My transforms are dihedral, and 10% bands of brightness, contrast change, with resnet34. Using latest fastai and pytorch builds, with fp16. Perhaps there is a clipping parameter I can set?

Plenty of changes under the hood in v1, so likely hyperparams need to change. Try lowering your learning rate by 10x.