Examining source code with Visual Studio

I heard Visual Studio Code is a good option for looking at source code if you’re on Windows or just don’t want to scale the learning curve of vim. So far I’ve been able to find most of what I need, but there are still a few features Jeremy uses in vim in the lessons that I haven’t been able to figure out.

What I’ve found useful

  • ctrl+shift+F searches for something in the folder you have open
  • F12 goes to the definition of a symbol your cursor is on
  • alt-F12 “peeks” at the definition - useful if you want to check something without using your place

What I still don’t know

  • How to see implementations in other libraries, especially pytorch
  • How to “fold” unnecessary code

Please share your tips for looking at source code with Visual Studio!

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Here are tips on VS code by Jeremy in last year’s course: https://youtu.be/Z0ssNAbe81M?t=3809

Also, I liked the intro to VS code by Corey Schafer:

Windows: https://youtu.be/-nh9rCzPJ20
Mac: https://youtu.be/06I63_p-2A4


How to search for pytorch classes and functions is very important especially for lesson 9. Has anyone have any idea how to do it??