Error after try to update fastpage with Jupyter Notebook

Hello, I’m trying to make my first blog with fastpages to pratice ML. But I’m having a problem when I try to update a Jupyter Notebook in the blog. I recieved the following email:

After click on “View workflow run”:

Sorry if I didnt give all the information, I really dont know how these thing works. If you need some information to solve this, please tell me. I named the Jupyter Notebook file as " 2020-11-09-My-First-Post" and uploaded in _notebooks. So I believe I have done everything correctly, but this problem is occuring.

EDIT: I think this is important:

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I have this problem too((( And I can’t solve it

Looks like your front matter is broken. Please read the README carefully

I solved. I delete all symbol except letters and problem disappeared.