Test Registry project

think its great ! cool. And yes: using real names of instances makes absolutely sense because if names of classes changes, it does not break. It just slipped my mind really. I linked this section also into the testing wiki section here: Improving/Expanding Functional Tests

I was thinking in the general style guide we could add suggestions like

  • try to use join loop constructions where possible e.g. to generate strings:print(’\n’.join(str(missing_this_test) for missing_this_test in TestAPIRegistry.missing_this_tests))
  • Use f notation instead of + to build strings: missing_this_test = f"file: {filename} / test: {test_name}"

Was looking for a good place to add such small suggestions - maybe here? Dev Projects Index

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Heh, except there is an even simpler way, have a look at the last incarnation. you just print the variable as *var, no need even for join there.

Anywhere you feel is a good place to compile such suggestions is good. except not in project index - its purpose is just that - index.

@ashaw, would it be possible to change the current click on [test] UI functionality?

Currently we have:

<a class="source_link" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#DataBunch-pytest" style="float:right; padding-right:10px">[test]</a>

So when I click on [test] the browser first focuses on the anchor, shifting the content up, then it opens the test entry which is quite further below. This is a very spastic behavior and I find it extremely difficult to use.

For example:

  1. click on: https://docs.fast.ai/basic_train.html#mixup
  2. click on [test] next to the create_opt or dl entry below

and you will see what I mean. I had no idea what happened. I had to look for the test entry, which was very complex and intuitive. Let me know if you see what I mean.

Perhaps it should:

  1. not refocus on that anchor and just uncollapse the hidden text - i.e. clicking on [test] should not trigger browser location update
  2. move the [test] anchor where it actually gets opened and not at a distance (i.e. not next to [source], but after or next to the docstring?

Perhaps the collapsed section should go before the docstring? See the snapshot how test breaks the flow of the doc at the moment.

but I realize it probably would make things much complex if we want to inject the collapsed show_test output between the function definition and its docstring. Perhaps doing it before the function definition? not great either.

What do we do in case where test_foo calls a helper function (e.g. wrapper) that calls this_tests? Currently it blows up badly.

For example tests/test_basic_train.py:

def test_memory(data):
def subtest_destroy_mem(data):

Fails in:

def get_parent_func(lineno, lines, ignore_missing=False):
        "Find any lines where `elt` is called and return the parent test function"
        for idx,l in enumerate(reversed(lines[:lineno])):
            if re.match(f'\s*def test', l):  return (lineno - idx), l # 1 based index for github
            if re.match(f'\w+', l):  break # top level indent - out of function scope
        if ignore_missing: return None
>       raise LookupError('Could not find parent function for line:', lineno, lines[:lineno])
E       LookupError: ('Could not find parent function for line:', 159, ['"""\n', 'module: basic 
[it dumps the whole test module here]


Should we just clean up that Exception not to dump the whole file and give a better error message that this_testscan be called only directly fromtest_foo` functions? This makes it somewhat harder to pass the live api, since the object might be only visible inside the helper function.

Or support nested functions so that inspect could reach up say a frame or two and see if the parent or grandparent are test_foo function?

Had to tweak the logic even more to support this_tests checks in skipped tests via decorator and dynamically from the test, but I think all bases have been covered.

I also introduced a special case of this_tests('skip') for situations where it’s not fastai API or it’s an accessor, which we currently don’t support.

All in all a bit of perl and some manual tweaking and we have now all existing tests covered: 233 test_this calls, 38 of which are skipped.

@ashaw, the docs api only contains callables, correct? i.e. there is no entry for things like Learner.data.

and https://docs.fast.ai/ now contains [test] for each test that we have. Please browse around and see if you detect any problems.


@ashaw, a few small tuneups:

  1. In the case of found tests, we probably can drop the “This tests:” line from the test box:
Tests found for `accuracy` :

This tests:

* `pytest -sv tests/test_metrics.py::test_accuracy` [[source]](https://github.com/fastai/fastai/blob/master/tests/test_metrics.py#L42)
* `pytest -sv tests/test_vision_train.py::test_accuracy`

it feels redundant.

Instead we should help users find out how to run those tests, so should probably add after the list of tests:

To run tests please refer to this [guide](https://docs.fast.ai/dev/test.html#quick-guide).
  1. In the case of:
No tests found for mean_squared_error

Should we add 2 links to https://docs.fast.ai/dev/test.html
Improving/Expanding Functional Tests inviting contributions?

So perhaps it’d look like:

No tests found for mean_squared_error. To contribute a test please refer to [this guide](https://docs.fast.ai/dev/test.html) and [this discussion](https://forums.fast.ai/t/improving-expanding-functional-tests/32929).

Thank you!


So registering with this_tests is done? Otherwise wanted to put that on my agenda to work on it when I find some time (which might be a little slow at times with other obligations)

Think inviting tests would be great, one of the main (hopefully successful) motivations for this work here.

Just wondering if the main how to of the forum thread should go into the official doc and the forum is just then pure coordinating.

Hope it makes sense

Great suggestions! Just added all these fixes on master

I probably won’t get around to the jumping collapsible UI until Monday though

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Can you remind me what Learner.data refers to again?

If you are talking about modules/classes, it should work already:

I guess that wasn’t a good example, please try:

def test_foo(learn):
    learn = fake_learner()

loss_func is an example of a property attribute.

Great suggestions! Just added all these fixes on master

That looks good. updated just one doc file with your changes, e.g. https://docs.fast.ai/basic_train.html#Learner.create_opt

I probably won’t get around to the jumping collapsible UI until Monday though

Sounds good, @ashaw

I’m not sure I like:


It could be too confusing in the test, where skip has a special meaning. Probably, should pick another short name instead, but I can’t think of a good word so that it communicates a complex thing.

Basically we are trying to say one of the two:

  1. this tests something that is not a fastai API
  2. this tests a property and it is not callable

Two very unrelated situations to be expressed in one intuitive word.

this_tests('none') is the only thing that comes to mind, but that’s not true either because the test is testing something.

Looking through synonyms: omit looks intuitive, and probably won’t be used as a real function anywhere.

update: ok, I think I sorted it out - I changed it to this_tests('na') na = not applicable, not available, etc. - covers all bases and is short.

Yes, all done. Just needing to tune up the UI, then we can announce it.

There are a few edge cases in logic when tests get skipped, but we will sort it out in time.

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Great work, thx for you leading and executing @stas

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Pushed some UI updates to master and rebuilt the docs.

Thanks for your suggestions! Followed as closely as I could and definitely looks much better. Send any more improvement ideas my way =)

Started on supporting property attributes learn.loss_func for show_doc and show_test. It works for now, but there’s a lot of edge cases. It’ll be an ongoing thing.


That’s much better, @ashaw! This definitely works for me UI-wise. Thank you!

Started on supporting property attributes learn.loss_func for show_doc and show_test. It works for now, but there’s a lot of edge cases. It’ll be an ongoing thing.


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should show_test be auto-imported along with show_doc? So that the user does’t need to:

from fastai.gen_doc.nbtest import show_test before being able to use it?

Sounds very reasonable.

To clarify: are you talking about adding doctest to imports here?

Or importing show_test at the top of all the *.ipynb documentation notebooks?

Hmm, I swear I remember seeing Jeremy calling show_doc in one of the classes and it didn’t look like he needed to import anything. If I grep show_doc now, it’s in none of the course notebooks. Do I mix it with some other function?

That’s why I thought that if show_doc gets imported with fastai.basics then to add show_test there.

Ah, found it, it was doc(func) and it has [test] built in already, so I think that covers it.

All is perfect then.

So it looks like the UI is complete. Awesome!

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