Dir structure detail for Lessons 1 and 2 (possible wiki material?)

sharing this in case it is helpful for others. Would love to add content like this to the lesson notes wiki…

1. use kg config/kg download to get train.zip and test.zip.  unzip them both, and delete the .zips

2. move 2000 random images from ./train to ./valid

3. move 200  random images from ./train to ./sample/train

4. move 50 random images from ./valid to ./sample/valid

5. create 'cats' and 'dogs' subdirs in ./train, ./valid, ./sample/train, and ./sample/valid dirs

6. move all cat/dog files in ./train, ./valid, ./sample/train, and ./sample/valid to the respective 'cats/dogs' subdirs created in the previous step

7. create ./test/unknown subdir

8. move all image files in ./test to ./test/unknown

#dir structure summary
├── results
├── test
│   └── unknown
├── train
│   ├── cats
│   └── dogs
├── valid
│   ├── cats
│   └── dogs
└── sample
    ├── results
    ├── test
    ├── train
    │   ├── cats
    │   └── dogs
    └── valid
        ├── cats
        └── dogs

#dir structure detail
├── results #saved models/weights for the main set
├── sample #a smaller replica of the main set, to use for quick testing while developing
│   ├── results #saved models/weights for the sample set
│   ├── test
│   ├── train # 200 random, moved from ../train
│   │   ├── cats # ~100 cat images (cat.1234.jpg), moved from its parent directory
│   │   └── dogs # ~100 dog images (dog.1234.jpg), moved from its parent directory
│   └── valid # 50 random, moved from ../valid
│       ├── cats # ~25 cat images (cat.1234.jpg), moved from its parent directory
│       └── dogs # ~25 dog images (dog.1234.jpg), moved from its parent directory
├── test # original test.zip from kaggle, unzipped.  12500 unclassified (e.g. 1234.jpg)
│   └── unknown
├── train # orginal train.zip from kaggle, unzipped.  25000 classified (e.g. dog.1234.jpg)
│   ├── cats # ~11400 cat images (cat.1234.jpg), moved from its parent directory
│   └── dogs # ~11400 dog images (dog.1234.jpg), moved from its parent directory
└── valid # 2000 random, moved from ./train
    ├── cats # ~975 cat images (cat.1234.jpg), moved from its parent directory
    └── dogs # ~975 cat images (cat.1234.jpg), moved from its parent directory
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