Developer chat

Thanks @stas. I will try your suggestion and will let you know you how did it go.

but last time unless i would use :

pip install git+

i would get module not fount error for :
from fastai.callbacks.mem import PeakMemMetric

You probably had a very old fastai, when you install the last released fastai 1.0.48, it’s there:

sadly creating new conda environment also didn’t work. perhaps I have to have a software engineer take a look at my system as it seems that one thing get fix and others go wrong despite the fact that I have removed all python and conda environment and dependencies and re-installed them again yesterday to have everything up to date.

re fastai version, i just installed the latest version yesterday which I suppose it is the latest version.


Thanks for the help anyway. I will be in touch if I did any progress in it.

sadly creating new conda environment also didn’t work.

It’s not possible for us to help unless you say specifically what doesn’t work

Are you saying that cnn_learner is still stuck? What’s your full environment, see:

and it looks like there is a bug in pytorch on windows, which now has a workaround in fastai-1.0.49 - just released. So update and try again please.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Custom ItemList, getting ForkingPickler broken pipe

I’ve been looking closely at parallel (fastai.core). It takes a function (func) and a collection (arr) and calls func on each element of arr (in parallel).

Does anyone here know why forces the function you provide func to accept both the value and index of each element in arr? This means you have to write a new function that is a copy of your old one, but accepts an additional input index that it never uses. In the source code it calls


which I looked up here: Python 3 Library and it doesn’t seem to use the index argument.

Could parallel possibly be reworked to drop the index argument?

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No, we need the index argument for its use in verify_images. Adding it your function and ignoring it shouldn’t be too painful.

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Thank you, that’s what I’ve been doing but wasn’t sure if a better way was possible. I’ve also noticed it fails more or less silently when you pass in a function that hasn’t been altered to accept an index. The progress bar completes to 100% in 0:00 but the function doesn’t get run. The full documentation makes it really clear, but the in notebook documentation doesn’t mention the existence of an index. I can add these as issues, but I’m really new and wanted to make sure this wasn’t expected behavior.

This next question is a bit off topic and I know you’re incredibly busy, so no worries if you don’t have time to reply. Any advice on best practice for using parallel when you have a function that takes more than one argument? My approach has been if the other arguments are static, to use a partial, but if the other arguments are variable, to change the function to accept one argument that is actually a tuple of arguments (and the index of course), and then pack and pass in a collection of tuples. I’ve written a post on the nuances of parallel to teach others to use it and I’d really like to get it right. Thank you.

That seems the right way to do it, yes. Also note that this is just a convenience function for our internal use, which just takes a few lines of code, so you can rewrite your own version whenever it’s needed :wink:

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have you though about using lambda , adopting parameters to match the intereface seems to be quite good usecase for them.

parallel(lambda v,_: your_func(v), data, max_workers=3)
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You can also use a dict containing your function arguments (similar to **kwargs)

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$ git clone
$ cd libsixel
$ ./configure --enable-python --prefix=/usr/local 
$ make install

This worked in my case. If you are building in a specific env, e.g. conda, then change /usr/local to .conda/envs/yourenv/

But this time I don’t see plot from learn.recoder.plot in my terminal. Some weird output like this:

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Hi @sgugger . I just updated my fastai lib and found I was having issues with the ipython lib in fastai/utils. I see that you removed the get_ipython import ( but I find this is still needed.

My apologies @sgugger I didn’t see that the is_in_colab has changed. It was a mistake I made by looking at the latest released version codebase on conda (where it is a problem) and the latest changes where it is indeed no longer needed. Please ignore my initial report.

Hey, all –

I’m really having a difficult time figuring out how to implement my own BatchSampler in fastai. I’ve successfully implemented other training-time tweaks using the Callbacks API, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to implement my own method for batch-wise sampling from a dataset. I’ve tried simply replacing data.train_dl.batch_sampler after the fact, but I can’t tell if that even works, and it’s not clear to me that implementing batch sampling is possible via callbacks.

There are low-level PyTorch implementations that are floating around out there, but they all exist within the PyTorch training context, and I’m finding the implementations rather opaque coming from a fastai-first mindset.

Help is appreciated.

I can tell you it probably won’t. You can however use the fastai method to set the one you want :slight_smile:

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Hi I would like to ask about discriminative learning rates. I want to have different optimizers for different layers (like Adam and SGD …) Anyone else looking at this? Not sure how hard it is to tweak the code so it can handle different optimizers.

Hey, thanks for the idea but it looks like you can’t blindly pass a lambda to parallel because at some stage in the pipeline it gets pickled and python is picky about pickling lambdas. There is a way to do it but it didnt seem advantageous over just making a function copy since this is mostly for preprocessing and not production code. I could be implementing it wrong though.

Here’s what I did. Code’s a bit messy, but it zips all the args together in a tuple, and instead of rewriting my function to accept a tuple (since parallel only takes functions that accept 1 arg), I make a lambda that calls my function after unpacking the tuple. If I run my lambda manually in line 3 it works, if I pass to parallel it blows up and I get the error at bottom for all threads.

arg_tuple_list = list(zip(fnames_100[0:100], [path_audio]*100, [path_spectrogram]*100))
func = lambda x: gen_spec_parallel(x[0], 0, x[1], x[2])
parallel(func, arg_tuple_list)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/conda/envs/fastai/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/", line 234, in _feed
    obj = _ForkingPickler.dumps(obj)
  File "/opt/conda/envs/fastai/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/", line 51, in dumps
    cls(buf, protocol).dump(obj)
_pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <function <lambda> at 0x7f300e427e18>: attribute lookup <lambda> on __main__ failed
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Ohhhh, that’s where it is. I was digging around for which method would accept batch_sampler as a keyword, but I just couldn’t find it. I will have to try that, thanks! I figured you’d have an answer. :wink:

Hello all!
In SF study group I discussed with Jeremy possibility of making lazy evaluating DataBlock API. I spent few evenings and made proof of concept notebook - what can be better/different, how we can do it without breaking current API, how it will change data processing flow, how it will look like and where we can go from there. Please check notebook in this Pull Request or by this link - in GitHub interface (all cells were evaluated with latest dev install of fastai from a few days ago).

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