Decodes is not getting called

Hi All,

I’ve been trying to understand fastai’s transform and pipeline APIs by experimenting with my own code.
Here I have created a simple Transform class and block and tried to create a datablock and dataloaders. The goal is to load see the functioning of encodes and decodes functions in the Transform block

import torch_snippets as ts
# and other fastai imports

class MyTfm(Transform):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def encodes(self, x:Path) -> TensorImage:
        x =
        x = 1 - np.array(x)/255.
        x = resize(x, ('at-most', (32,128)))
        x = pad(x, (32,128), pad_value=0)
        return x # this is a numpy array of shape (32, 128)
    def decodes(self, x:TensorImage) -> str:
        return 'abcd'
def MyTfmBlock(): return TransformBlock([MyTfm()])

dblock = DataBlock(
    get_x=lambda x: x,

root = Path('folder/to/images')
dls = dblock.dataloaders(root, bs=4)
b = dls.one_batch()

The code for creating one batch works fine. I’m able to see the tensor shape as expected

>>>  ts.inspect(*b)
TensorImage     Shape: torch.Size([4, 32, 128]) Min: 0.000      Max: 1.000      Mean: 0.078  dtype: torch.float32

The main confusion I have is, why is the decode not working? I wanted it to decode it to a simple random abcd string given the image, but i see the same TensorImage getting returned. Why is that happening?

>>> ts.inspect(*dls.decode(b))
TensorImage     Shape: torch.Size([4, 32, 128]) Min: 0.000      Max: 1.000      Mean: 0.078  dtype: torch.float32

Here’s the github gist - fastai-doubt.ipynb · GitHub

I realized that the decodes is not even getting called!! What am I doing wrong

tagging @sgugger
Sorry for paging you, but it’s been some time since I posted and couldn’t still find any help. I’m sure this is something small and silly so would want to get it resolved soon