Current problems with AWS (and paperspace) set up

HI there,
I am struggling with paperspace and aws. A lot.

First, paperspace looks full. It is imposible to get space in any gpu, at any time. At least for me. I am trying p5000 now, fastai, etc, and I don’t get luck… Barely sometimes I’ve been able to connect. Ask support, and suggestion was pay a higher machine. Done, and same issue. Fed up, I’m really loosing to much time.

AWS: ok, but I can’t find fast-ai in marketplace. I found lesson 1 - ami-4e31052b
but that is not the one expected, as per the post (should be fastai-part1v2 - p2…)

so, did I miss any change in the configuration?


I rember Jeremy had said that Ami is region dependent…(part1v1)
I had set my region to Oregon and it can then be easily found…

yes… you nail it. My mistake, I missed that part.
thanks a lot!

Hi There,
I am facing the same problem. The paperspace ( ,P4000) rarely works. Does anyone has instructions to configure AWS or any other workaround.

I m an absolute beginner and would appreciate any help.

Hi Devesh,

I fed up with paperspace, they are great, nice support, but doesn’t work for me. You can wait half an hour for it and nothing.

Just follow reshamas blog (thanks!!!)

quite easy. Just be sure that you have to log in the oregon region, don’t make my mistake.

@sgmiriuka- Many Thanks for your response. I am equally frustrated with Papersource. It is such a huge waste of time.
Thanks again for helping out.

I use colab…
It’s very handy and easy to use compared to all three…
Now I always try to run the nbs on Colab…

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