Chinese and Japanese translations available - translation help wanted!

With many thanks to @hongtang (Chinese) and Tomoaki Masuda (Japanese), we now have translations for lesson 1! Additional lessons in Chinese and Japanese are, I understand, coming soon. :slight_smile:

If you can help translate the lessons into any language, we’d be most grateful. You can contribute to any of our videos through Youtube’s system:

(If you do add translations to a video, please let me know, since I have to hit ‘publish’ to have them actually appear.)

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Is there any one working on translating lesson 2 into Chinese? If not, I will happy to work on it.

Yes lesson 2 is coming very soon. Thanks for the offer though! Maybe message @hongtang to pick a different lesson to work on in parallel?

Lesson 2 in Chinese has been uploaded onto Youtube a few mins ago.
We are working on lesson 3,4 and 5, If anyone would like to pick lesson 6 or later, that will be great. Thanks !

no problem!

Thanks a lot !

你好,因为我英文不大好,我向Rachel Thomas 请教问题的时候她没法了解我说的问题,因此她让我跟您联系,请您帮我想想办法,或者把我的问题转达给Rachel Thomas,谢谢

我是一个刚刚开始机器学习的学生,很喜欢你们这门课,我也自己训练了一个猫和狗图像分类的模型,我用moudle.save的方法保存了模型和权重,但是我现在不知道我怎么用我训练来的模型去进行预测,请问可以帮帮我吗? thank you very much !

The Chinese subtitles of Lesson 3 has been submitted a few mins ago, please review and “publish” it. Thanks a lot!

KyRie, 你好!不好意思,才看到。

非常好!谢谢你!我刚刚点击了“publish” :slight_smile:

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Haha, jeremy use google translation right? In China,there’re a lot learners are learning your course, but not all of them can use English so well, so some learners can only ask question in Chinese.

who wants to help with Turkish translations? I have started with the Lesson 7 already.

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Actually I have been studying Chinese for a few years now :slight_smile:

I hope my Chinese wasn’t so bad it seemed like an automatic computer translation… :open_mouth:

I submitted the Chinese subtitles of Lesson 4, please review and “publish” it. Thanks a lot!:slight_smile:

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Got it - thanks heaps!

I submitted the Chinese subtitles of Lesson 5, please review and “publish” it. Thanks a lot!

Thanks so much @yousheng - that’s great!

求拉群 segoviaumr 谢谢啦!

I submitted the Chinese subtitles of Lesson 6, please review and “publish” it. Thanks a lot!

Looks great :slight_smile: