A after_open parameter of ImageList does not work


I am trying to apply custom logic on a image after a image is loaded. I tried to use after_open parameter of the ImageList but it does not do anything:

def after_open(img):
    raise Exception('Hello')

src = ImageList.from_df(train_df, '.', cols='id_code', folder='./512/', suffix='.png', after_open=after_open)
src = src.split_by_rand_pct(0.1)
src = src.label_from_df(cols='diagnosis')
src = src.add_test_folder(DATA_PATH/'test_images')
data = src.transform(size=256).databunch(bs=4, num_workers=0).normalize(imagenet_stats)

Is anyone had a similar issue?

Weird, it should work. In general after_open is supposed to return the image after treating it.

I have tried the following code:

class MyList(ImageList):
    def __init__(self, *args, convert_mode='RGB', after_open:Callable=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.convert_mode,self.after_open = convert_mode,after_open
        self.c,self.sizes = 3,{}
    def open(self, fn):
        print(type(self), self.after_open)
        return open_image(fn, convert_mode=self.convert_mode, after_open=self.after_open)

def after_open(img):
    raise Exception('Hello')

src = MyList.from_df(train_df, '.', cols='id_code', folder=DATA_PATH/'train_images', suffix='.png', after_open=after_open)
print(src.after_open == after_open)
src = src.split_by_rand_pct(0.1)
src = src.label_from_df(cols='diagnosis')
src = src.add_test_folder(DATA_PATH/'test_images')
data = src.transform(size=256).databunch(bs=4, num_workers=0).normalize(imagenet_stats)

<class ‘main.MyList’> None
<class ‘main.MyList’> None
<class ‘main.MyList’> None

As I see after_open became None after splitting.

Oh it’s not copied along indeed. Thanks for flagging, will fix now.

Thank you. Could you please suggest another way around it?

It’s fixed in master now, just do an editable install before the next release.

Thank you very much

I want to make use of random crop as soon as image is opened.
how should i init the after open with library function avail in fast ai rand_Crop or crop_pad.
I should get different portions of images croped as per the size i give