00_load_data: Error with extension Float : ConvertibleFromByte {} and Int32

I updated Swift earlier today.


// Float and Int32 already have the right initializer, so just state that they conform.
extension Float : ConvertibleFromByte {}
extension Int32 : ConvertibleFromByte {}

now get errors:

error: <Cell 17>:2:19: error: redundant conformance of 'Float' to protocol 'ConvertibleFromByte'
extension Float : ConvertibleFromByte {}

<REPL Input>:3:1: note: 'Float' declares conformance to protocol 'ConvertibleFromByte' here
extension Float : ConvertibleFromByte {}

error: <Cell 17>:3:19: error: redundant conformance of 'Int32' to protocol 'ConvertibleFromByte'
extension Int32 : ConvertibleFromByte {}

<REPL Input>:4:1: note: 'Int32' declares conformance to protocol 'ConvertibleFromByte' here
extension Int32 : ConvertibleFromByte {}

and when I go ahead & comment those out and try to define loadMNIST, i get this error.

Any ideas?

error: Couldn't lookup symbols:
  protocol witness table for Swift.Float : __lldb_expr_89.ConvertibleFromByte in completions
  protocol witness table for Swift.Int32 : __lldb_expr_89.ConvertibleFromByte in completions

May need to restart your kernel.

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That did it!

I swear I had restarted all the kernels when I updated Swift today. But that worked.
