Weirdness with fit_generator in Keras 2.0

I’m having a really weird issue ever since upgrading to Keras 2.0. I’m using a very basic convolutional neural net and for some reason when using fit_generator() I am unable to get the model to train. But, if i save the outputs from the generators to a bcolz file, and then run instead of model.fit_generator(), the model is able to train normally. I am using the default parameters for the generator function, and compiling my model with the Adam optimizer at a learning rate of 1e-4. I’ve been trying to figure this out for well over a day now, and have had no luck. Has this happened to anyone else?

What do you mean by “I am unable to get the model to train”. Does it produce an exception? Not learning anything?

Sorry, the model works without any exceptions, but the accuracy remains constant over time. It doesn’t predict the exact same thing each time, but it is roughly whatever a random guess would be. For example predicting two classes will range between 45-55% while predicting 10 classes will range between 8-12%.