I encountered the same issue, and I think I resolved it.
I’m a Paperspace user with the standard fast.ai template Ubuntu machine. I set this up Oct 3 and was encountering this truncated notebooks issue.
The problem seems to be the versions of packages and other dependencies.
I found Fastai v0 install issues thread and discovered that conda activate
didn’t work because conda
was too old.
So, the solution at a high level is to:
- work from the latest code in the fastai repo
- update conda (and pip too, why not) and ensure you can run
conda activate
- destroy the fastai conda environment
- setup the fastai conda enviroment
- re-configure the IP address for Jupyter Notebook
Some more detail:
– update the repo
– update conda and pip
# turn off the active environment
source deactivate
# update pip and conda
pip install pip -U
conda update conda
Now, you’ll need to update some lines in ~/.bashrc
. When you try to conda activate
, conda will tell you what to change. I updated the very tail of my ~/.bashrc to this:
# ...other stuff omitted
# Previous to conda 4.4, the recommended way to activate conda was to modify PATH in
# your ~/.bashrc file. But now, don't do that.
#export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
. /home/paperspace/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate fastai
3., 4. – re-setup the fastai environment
# remove the fastai env first
conda env remove -y -n fastai
# now, in the fastai repo, re-create it
cd $HOME/fastai
conda env create -f environment.yml
5.-- configure jupyter if needed
I encountered this: Jupyter notebook KeyError: ‘allow_remote_access’. The following fixed it:
jupyter notebook --generate-config ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py "c.NotebookApp.ip = ''"
After all this, I’m able to launch notebooks without truncations, and I’m working off the all the up to date code in the repo, and the up to date dependencies.