The leaderboard of Dogs vs. Cats will accept any submission even the competition is closed?

Hi there,
I understand that at the end of lesson2, we should try to submit a csv file with 2 colums : filename, probablity of the 12500 images from the test dataset.
np.savetxt(’/home/ubuntu/nbs/results/ftDLcourse01.csv’,submit, fmt=’%d,%.5f’, header=‘id,label’,comments=’’)

I have then used this command
kg submit ftDLcourse01.csv -u username -p passwordKaggle -c dogs-vs-cats-redux-kernels-edition

But when I went to, I can’t see my entry.
Is it closed so we can no longer submit ?

tks n rgds,

You can submit but your submission won’t show on the leaderboard

Hi Mimi,
Thank you.
Do you know in this case can we view the score so at least to be able to improve it ?
Tks n rgds,

Yes your submission gets evaluated and you can manually compare your score with the leaderboard.

where does the submission gets evaluated ?

Tks n rgds,