South Bay Weekend / Evening Study Groups?

I can join next week onwards.

Sorry, I haven’t been able to make it so far, but I’ll be able to make it 5/20 and hopefully going forward. Looking forward to meeting everyone while I revisit the material.

This weekend and next weekend (Long Weekend) might be hard. I can Join from June 3rd onwards.

I booked 4pm @ 5/20 Sunday St. Francis Room - Palo Alto City Library - Rinconada Branch
We can revisit the course material and discuss whatever topic you want.
(@ramesh I’ll save competition presentation for you :slight_smile: )

Like this post if you can join!


I can join this weekend as well. I’ll see you there!

@sjcho is there any chance you could share the competition presentation online? Even if you cannot, that’s alright. Just asking. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Actually I already posted it here:


Thank you @sjcho.

I could join June 3rd onwards as well.

Hello, is there still interest in this? I could host at my home or join at any other places. My phone number is 4083182027, would love to connect.

Hi All, are we meeting today?

Are folks still regularly meeting?

I’m also in the area, it would be great to meet!

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