Setup problems: AWS

For some reason when I run “jupyter notebook” in my Instance and go to the correct URL for my instance and port, I get a “This site can’t be reached” error. Any help is appreciated.

Hi @randy912,

Could you paste the output from the console from where you launched the notebook?

[I 20:11:52.399 NotebookApp] [nb_conda_kernels] enabled, 2 kernels found
[W 20:11:52.762 NotebookApp] WARNING: The notebook server is listening on all IP addresses and not using encryption. This is not recommended.
[I 20:11:52.795 NotebookApp] ✓ nbpresent HTML export ENABLED
[W 20:11:52.795 NotebookApp] ✗ nbpresent PDF export DISABLED: No module named nbbrowserpdf.exporters.pdf
[I 20:11:52.798 NotebookApp] [nb_conda] enabled
[I 20:11:52.828 NotebookApp] [nb_anacondacloud] enabled
[I 20:11:52.830 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/ubuntu
[I 20:11:52.830 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 20:11:52.830 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: http://[all ip addresses on your system]:8888/
[I 20:11:52.830 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).

Do you see any messages here when you try to connect? Do you have any other notebooks running?

No notebooks running, nothing in the JS console, just this

Can you try getting the IP by running this in your terminal

aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=instance-id,Values=$instanceId" --query "Reservations[0].Instances[0].PublicIpAddress"

then copy and paste it into your browser with :8888 appended.

When I copy-paste and run that it says “None”, yet I can connect to my Instance just fine and run nvidia-smi, etc. I can also start jupyter notebook but it still doesn’t show up in the browser.

Did you use the setup scripts to set up the instance? Could you run the following and paste the output here:

aws ec2 describe-instances

Yes I did use the setup scripts. Here is the output:

RESERVATIONS 055774076093 r-0f9ee2f9a4590afb8
INSTANCES 0 x86_64 False xen ami-31ecfb26 i-04b2a4be83f1d8678 p2.xlarge aws-key-fast-ai 2017-04-27T17:08:03.000Z ip-10-0-0-13.ec2.internal /dev/sda1 ebs True subnet-25b7ee40 hvm vpc-bbbbacdd
EBS 2017-04-22T18:32:07.000Z True attached vol-08876b0731ed74a90
NETWORKINTERFACES 02:93:fc:ab:f2:0a eni-bd1566a9 055774076093 ip-10-0-0-13.ec2.internal True in-use subnet-25b7ee40 vpc-bbbbacdd
ASSOCIATION 055774076093
ATTACHMENT 2017-04-22T18:32:06.000Z eni-attach-ab977b33 True 0 attached
GROUPS sg-b65f60c9 fast-ai-security-group
PRIVATEIPADDRESSES True ip-10-0-0-13.ec2.internal
ASSOCIATION 055774076093
PLACEMENT us-east-1a default
SECURITYGROUPS sg-b65f60c9 fast-ai-security-group
STATE 16 running
TAGS Name fast-ai-gpu-machine

Hmm and it doesn’t work when you paste into your browser? I’ll try to do some digging and see what I find. Maybe in the meantime somebody else has some ideas.

Goodness, gracious. I solved the problem. It was the network at my workplace. I signed onto the Guest network and now it works. Thank you so much for helping me with this, I seriously appreciate the fast replies man. You’re awesome.

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Let me start by thanking the authors for this amazing course. Most of the issues that I ran into during the setup were related to the bash scripts throwing errors.

To really engage with the material I decided to blog along with the course. I would love to get in contact with more people from this forum whether it’s through this forum or through blogs. In this blog I also discuss all the issues I ran into and how I solved them:

I have a problem while running the script for, which says that "syntax error unexpected token “newline”. I thought this was due to the error mentioned by some users about the missing ’ at line 7, for which i forked the repo. But after rectifying that in I am still getting this error. Can anybody please help me with this

I seem to be missing another step. I downloaded the script and continue to get

bash line 7: syntax error near unexpected token newline' line 7:

I also ran the t2 sh file too,

bash line 7: syntax error near unexpected token newline' line 7:

any suggests would be greatly appreciated

I am getting the same error David, I forked the script on github because of the error in but after running the forked script also I get the same error as you.

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Hi @sahilk1610 and @ozora999,

It would be helpful if you provided some more details - please see the wiki. Thanks!

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I will explain again. :slight_smile:

For running the script We need to run it from the github repo. But as pointed out by others there is a small error in file with the missing ’ value in the 7th line.

To rectify it, I forked the script and rectified the error.

I am using bash.

So i use “curl -s link” for running the script. But I get the same error as mentioned by David in his problem - line 7: syntax error near unexpected token newline’ line 7:’

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To start, I was unable to run wget from my OS X terminal windows. I googled and downloaded home-brew. I could execute wget. I could not find on the page descriptor on Mr. Howard’s youtube video, It informed me to visit the GitHub repository. As described in the youtube video, i copy the link on fastai/courses/setup/ of, went to my terminal window and typed



! {i’ve done this more than once} line 7: syntax error near unexpected token newline' line 7:

Next I did



! {i’ve done this more than once} line 7: syntax error near unexpected token newline' line 7:



! {i’ve done this more than once} line 7: syntax error near unexpected token newline' line 7:

There is something wrong with how bash from home-brew interprets the 7th line of this bash file?

I am completely new at this, i don’t know how to “fork the script”. I will google and see what I can learn.

“To rectify it, I forked the script and rectified the error.”

Hi, I am running into the following problem upon running aws configure in cygwin: C:\MyProgs\Anaconda\python.exe: can't open file '/cygdrive/c/MyProgs/Anaconda/Scripts/aws': [Errno 2] No such file or directory… I have installed the awscli, and then I thought that I might need to install aws as well, since upon writing aws into the command line I was getting the same error just described. Even upon installing aws (which most likely is not necessary), I am still running into the same problem.


@ozora999 @sahilk1610 Thanks for the details. Can you try if the solution here works? That is, use wget on the links to the raw setup files:

$ wget
$ wget
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