Paperspace setup help

I am trying to sign up from Canada but paperspace isnt allowing my credit card saying the zip code (in Canada, we have postal codes) is wrong. However, I can see three transactions from paperspace in my credit card account as well as three reversals (i tried three times)

When I run jupyter notebook I keep getting No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser.

First time working with jupyter so I need all the help you guys can give me.

Tried multiple times with Visa even talking to the bank (the bank said we aren’t holding it. Its approved from our end) but didn’t work. Went through smoothly with MasterCard. Try a different card.

Can you try starting the Notebook server without opening a browser to see if that helps?

$ jupyter notebook --no-browser

I see. Thanks for shedding some light to my own issue. I have tried with Visa and Master Card yesterday and both failed. :thinking:

That worked, however, I am not able to open the notebook

when I copy the url from the console and replace localhost with my VM IP, it never loads the notebook page

Good to hear it worked.

it never loads the notebook page

Meaning? What you are seeing is just a blank page?

I think you should check your server (Paperspace? AWS?) network and security settings. I suspect something is blocking your network connection. The usual suspect is in the firewall configurations, like firewall port is not open, Jupyter Notebook bind to the wrong local/internal IP address or the need to do port forwarding for the Jupyter server, etc.

@cedric I get

This page isn’t working didn’t send any data.

I used paperspace. I don’t know if there are any security settings to check.

RAM: 30 GB
HD: 0 BYTES / 50 GB

That’s my server ^

The only thing that I can think might be the issues is the curl | bash script.

From the console:

Last login: Wed Jan  3 10:59:48 2018 from
(fastai) paperspace@ps23pk2x0:~$ jupyter notebook
[I 11:11:42.416 NotebookApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to /run/user/1000/jupyter/notebook_cookie_secret
[I 11:11:43.021 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/paperspace
[I 11:11:43.022 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 11:11:43.022 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 11:11:43.022 NotebookApp] http://localhost:8888/?token=token
[I 11:11:43.022 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[W 11:11:43.022 NotebookApp] No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser.
[C 11:11:43.023 NotebookApp] 
    Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
    to login with a token:

I have the same problem… No web browser found

This might help…(the person is from Saturday chapter)


According to this:

For your case, I think if you can run Jupyter notebook server in Paperspace, things pretty much should just work. I have no idea what else might caused the issue, as I have not got a chance to try Paperspace myself due to billing issue.

Have you try following the guide created by reshamas?

I suspect you missed this “Step 2: open up firewall”
$ sudo ufw allow 8888:8898/tcp

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tried that as well… it still doesnt work for her… she then uses a ssh tunnel on her Mac… I have a restricted use Windows 7… dont know how to do that on this

It didn’t work for me. BTW I am on a Mac

Awesome! Will give it a run to see if it works well and report back soon.

Here’s a post on setting up GCP for Fast AI.
@Jeremy Should I link it in the Lesson 1 Wiki as well? Many might be interested in using the 300$ credits from Google.

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I checked the data folder. catdog hasnt been unzipped. I am now manually running each of the step from the script from unzip

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Why do you think that’s the issue?

I did that and it didn’t fix my issue.

I dont know… still going through the process… but I checked. amd64.deb files wasnt downloaded either because keys are fetched later

getting it to install is pretty hard work already

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I am going to delete my VMs.

Keep me posted on your progress.

I might have to try doing the installation step by step.