Organizing study groups in SF and Bay Area

I’m encouraging the folks in South Bay to coordinate amongst yourselves and post here if anything gets set up that you would be open to having others join. Hopefully this thread & resources are helpful :slight_smile:

I made a slack channel: sfbayfastai
invite link:

We can use that as a study group channel, if useful. I’ll be monitoring it today, if enough people show up we can study together there. Otherwise I might suggest joining the TWIML (this week in machine learning) slack channel, some of us are on there for the time being.


I am interested in South bay group.

Hi Lindy! I filled out the google sheet and can join the SF Sun aft study group. Can you please add me to the group? My fastai username is @asbuell. Thanks!

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I forgot to set permissions correctly for the SF category before. Fixed now, and moved this thread to the SF category.

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That’s great, thanks Jeremy!

Hi Antoni,
Check out this thread:

  • Deena

These are awesome initiatives. Thanks for sharing!

Hi Andrew, I’m in MV as well. Is there a group that meets already? Can you include me as well? Thanks!

Hi Nalini,

So far we just have the Slack channel set up. A Doodle poll went out awhile back (thanks to @lindyrock), and it seems that the most people in the South Bay can meet either Thursday evenings or Sunday afternoons. I’m not always going to be in town throughout the semester, so I haven’t taken initiative to organize a meetup. For those weekends when I’m in town, I’m happy to get together with anyone else who’s around though - upstairs at Red Rock on Castro might be a good meeting spot?

You’re most welcome to do this - but note that if you use slack, it’ll be harder to stay connected with the rest of the community, and visa versa. The forums can provide all the same features as Slack (in slightly different ways, so it takes a little learning and practice!), plus infinite history.


Thanks Andrew. Yes, Red Rock on Castro is a good option! Let me check the poll that Lindy was kind enough to put together… will try to organise a meet-up soon!

@lindyrock I have added my name in the spreadsheet for study group. Are you guys meeting every Sunday at Peerspace?

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I also would also like to know if the meet up is still happening on Sundays. Thank you!

The Sunday SF study sessions are happening weekly from 12-5. I think I’ve added everyone who’s asked to join to the private message thread where we’ve posted more details, but if I missed you please either message me to be added or just come Sundays to the Peerspace location described on the Google Sheet.

Hi @lindyrock , Thanks for organizing this. I would love to join the Sunday afternoon study group as well.

hi, can I join too? how to connect with you guys?

In SF. Very interested in meeting for deeper in-person chats to talk through stuff in more detail.

Was anything organized for south-bay? I’d be interested in joining if there’s a regular meetup, now that lecture series has completed.

No, none so far. But we can definitely get one going if people are interested. Perhaps after the holidays?