Lung cancer detection; Convolution features + Gradient boost

For the kaggle data science bowl lung cancer detection competition, Microsoft has a blog post about a solution using Convolution features from a pretrained imagenet network (Resnet) with a gradient boost machine (think: decision tree)

Very cool, I think we know how to do this from having done state farm competition!

I started downloading the data bowl dataset (its massive), looking forward to try and use Keras / VGG convolution features and pass into some kind of decision tree and compare with results with dense layer models.


Thank You @twairball . I found a few Kaggle kernels which was very helpful. Kernel by Sentdex.

I find it difficult to structure this dataset. Only one or a few slice is malignant in a set of images that belong to a positive patient. I guess some manual identification is required to label what slice it is.

The official Kaggle tutorial is very helpful for preprocessing. One important step is to normalize all 3 dimensions to a 1mm grid. Iā€™d suggest not thinking of it as a bunch of slices, but as a 3d volume. Itā€™s basically impossible to separate a small nodule from vasculature without using 3d.


A good format for 3 or 4D medical data is Nifti (originally created for neuro imaging).

The basic format is an ND array of image data + a transform which describes orientation and scaling of the voxels in patient space.

There are tools for automatic conversion (e.g. dcm2nii) and a few python libraries (dcmstack - python 2 only and a newer one dicom2nifti).

The python library nibabel is useful for working with this format, and even if you arenā€™t working with neuro imaging data the nipy project may be worth checking out.


I followed this kernel kaggle kernel and found it very helpful. I saw a few kernels which tried 3d convs using tensorflow as well.

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Example of using Nifti objects and nibabelā€¦

%pylab inline
import nibabel as nb

# set this to a nifti file
fp = '/data/data-science-bowl-2017/nifti/0015ceb851d7251b8f399e39779d1e7d/2.nii.gz'

# CT windows

# Radiologists describe settings for viewing different body parts
# as windows/levels, e.g. for lung the level is -600 Hounsfield
# units with a window of 1600 - i.e. Ā±800

# lung window
lung_params = {'vmin': -600 - 800, 'vmax': -600 + 800}
# body window
body_params = {'vmin': 40 - 200, 'vmax': 40 + 200}
# set to lung window
params = lung_params
params['origin'] = 'lower'

# load nifti object
nii = nb.load(fp)

# get nd array data
img = nii.get_data()

# get slices through middle of data
x, y, z = np.array(img.shape) // 2

fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(24,6))
axes[0].imshow(img[x, ...].T, aspect=abs(nii.affine[2,2]/nii.affine[1,1]), **params)
axes[1].imshow(img[:, y, :].T, aspect=abs(nii.affine[2,2]/nii.affine[0,0]), **params)
axes[2].imshow(img[...,z].T, aspect=abs(nii.affine[1,1]/nii.affine[0,0]), **params)

for ax in axes:



I have followed one of the kaggle kernels and saved a weight by running 2 epochs.
Now I am trying to use that weights to predict using tensorflow in python 3.

I think I am doing something wrong, the predict function in tensor flow is not working as I thought.

Please find github gist .

In the intro video, the radiologist clicks on a nodule section and the panel shows a % chance that the lesion could be malignant tumor

The video mentions a paper and the use of multivariate logistic regression to predict the malignancy.

Is this where current opportunity that deep learning is challenging?

It seems like locating the lesions themselves seem much more difficult !

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I got through the error.

I had manually initialized an nd-array for the full test set but used only a sub set.

Now its running with batch size 4 unless it gets killed again.

Since we went over this in class, figured Iā€™d bump the thread.

For those who want to use the LUNA 16 data, here it is in torrent form:


@davecg - Iā€™m really interested in your advice to use Nifti format. I had previously thought of it as something just for neuroimaging, but clearly thatā€™s not the case.

I think the main thing stopping me from jumping right into it is that I donā€™t know what I donā€™t knowā€¦ With DICOM, I know (more or less) the various ā€˜gotchasā€™ and issues required to be addressed, but I donā€™t know what the same issues can be with Nifti.

In particular: you mentioned that it can largely automatically handle a lot of the preprocessing; for, say, resampling to a 1x1x1 grid, will it handle all the different ways in which DICOM can incorporate slice width, pixel spacing, offsets, etcā€¦? Do you have to do much manual cleaning up after converting DICOM to Nifti? If so, could you show what steps you would use for the data science bowl and LUNA datasets?


There are definitely more things possible in DICOM than can be contained in the simpler Nifti format. It canā€™t handle unequal slice spacing or rotating planes (both of which will sometimes happen in DICOM).

Only issue I came across in the Kaggle dataset was that one study had unequal slice spacing (think part of the data was missing but didnā€™t investigate too closely, just left that patient out).

Most converters can handle interleaving (MRI acquisition of odd then even slices), 3D + time datasets, diffusion tensor imaging, etc. I havenā€™t extensively checked out the source for dicom2nifti but it seems to work well so far for me (previously used dcmstack which is python only or standalone applications like dcm2nii).

Still downloading LUNA dataset, but for Kaggle DSB this worked for all but one subject:

from pathlib import Path
import dicom2nifti

data_path = Path('/path/to/data')
nifti_path = data_path.parent / 'nifti'

# assumes subjectid/*.dcm

for d in data_path.glob('*'):
    o = nifti /
    o.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    # this will create one Nifti file per series in folder
    # only one per patient for Kaggle
    # I.e. o / '{series}.nii.gz'
        compression=True, # .nii.gz vs .nii
        reorient=True, # left anterior superior coordinates

Re sampling to 1x1x1 is simple with the affine transform included in the Nifti file.

You can use scipy ndimage zoom to the first three values of the Nifti affine diagonal. (Need to use abs since these can be negative.)

Good info on Nifti format:


Thatā€™s handy! For the one problem subject, does it give an exception? Or do we have to check for some problem?

Iā€™m downloading the kaggle data using ā€œkg downloadā€, so fart itā€™s quite slow, does anyone know a better way to speed up the downloading?

I canā€™t remember if it threw an exception or just logged something to STDOUT, but it mentioned unequal slice spacing.

Subject ID is b8bb02d229361a623a4dc57aa0e5c485, looks like they repeated the study under same series (or maybe itā€™s with and without contrast, havenā€™t looked at images).

Slices go from one side of pt to other, then start over again. By instance number each slice goes -2.5 mm then jumps back 260 mm before hitting the same positions again.

Thatā€™s all I did - but yeah it was slow! You can also use torrent - instructions on the competition page.

thank you, I will look it up.