Lesson 2 In-Class Discussion

Reg. point 3, Jeremy said that the paper suggests just copying the classes underrepresented to increase their count. I want to experiment with some sort of data augmentation tricks + copying too.

Because the training loss includes dropout. Weā€™ll learn about this soon.


That paper is only relevant to folks with effectively infinite resources. IMHO itā€™s of little if any practical value.


Weā€™re only using the learning rate finder from that paper, not the cyclical learning rates themselves. The annealing method we use is from https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.03983

Yes, exactly

Yup thatā€™s exactly what weā€™ll be doing :slight_smile:


You got it right

Yes thereā€™s dropout. Weā€™ll learn about that soon.


We donā€™t appear to be using any k-fold cross validation so far. Is this not needed because of TTA?

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'+ train prediction through cv

Yes thatā€™s a real issue in the unicorn community. In practice, you have to adjust your probabilities to ā€˜undoā€™ the over-sampling.

Yup I did say that. Adding the validation set back in right at the end is fine - you can get a better final model this way. cc @yinterian


Yes, thatā€™s (sort of) what we do for top-down.

All the model weights are here: http://files.fast.ai/models/weights.tgz


Thatā€™s only necessary if you have such a small dataset that you canā€™t afford to put aside a validation set.


In todayā€™s class, there was a snippet of code:

row_sz, col_sz = list(zip(*size_d.values()))

I understand that * will unpack the list of dictionary values. Then zip will pair up the elements of row, column tuples to create a list of tuples (the first tuple containing all rows, and the second tuple containing all columns). What I do not understand is the role of list in this code. Wouldnā€™t the following do the same?

row_sz, col_sz = zip(*size_d.values())

p.s. I am somewhat new to Python (itā€™s been 4 months), and I have Python for Data Analysis 2nd Edition next to me. So I apologize if this is something obvious.

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EDIT: what I wrote is completely wrong! Sorry for the noise.

You would be right in Python 2, but in Python 3 zip returns an iterator, not a list. So you need to force its evaluation with list in order to be able to unpack and assign it to row_sz and col_sz.


Hi @jacquerie!

Thank you for the response! I do see the zip returns an iterator. And I guess Iā€™m not fully understanding why this works:

Thanks in advance!

In case you still have issues with the Kaggle command line tool, try refreshing your installed kaggle-cli version because it was updated over the weekend

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Iā€™m getting this error in Crestle, do I just need to download that file and unpack the weight files into the right directory? (or do I really need to stop using Crestle?)

learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(arch, data, precompute=True, ps=0.5)

FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)


FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ā€˜/home/nbuser/courses/fastai2/courses/dl1/fastai/weights/resnext_50_32x4d.pthā€™

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