Lesson 2 In-Class Discussion

When you say start with smaller images, you mean cropped versions of the original ones?
then switch to normal ones.?

These models don’t have an “input size”, any size works.


what is cycle_mult forgot what it does exactly.

When you are using the whole dataset for training at the end, how do you know you are not overfitting?

The multiplication of the number of epochs per cycle.

Does making copies of the rare cases give the neural network a false sense of the chances of that event happening or overfit that specific result?

e.g. you have 1 pink unicorn and say you have 100 pink unicorns completely dissing the purple unicorn community.

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I don’t know specifics of the architecture we use here, but, generally, you can deal with different dimensions of CNN inputs by adjusting size of a pooling layer.

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You usually don’t use your validation for training.

Is the dog breed notebook available anywhere ?


What strategy do you recommend if the input image size is very small (i.e. 10x10 or similar) or it has more channels (RGB + additional)? To my understanding for these two cases the pre-trained models (i.e. resnet34) can’t be used, right? Is building from scratch the only option?

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Oh, okk, thanks. I thought Jeremy mentioned about training with the whole data at the end for the dog breeding competition.

IMO: What matters with setting dimensions is the final FC layers - CNN layers can adapt to to different sizes. However when you connect to FC layer - it will cause error. However, if you use Fully convolutional network (no Dense / fully connected layers) then it should work.


Are you going to be sharing the Dogs notebook from the lecture as well?

Yeah but doesn’t the pooling layer basically downsample to match the pretrained model’s input layer?

If I’m understanding what he did, it was to crop a larger image to 299x299 instead of 224x224. The pooling layer then effectively downsamples it back down to 224x224.

Whats the difference between precompute=True and freezing layers?

@nafizh He did. He recommends to use the whole training set at the end. But this is when you’ve already confirmed that your training strategy (lr rate, schedule, …) works and you’re not severely overfitting with validation set.


@yinterian @jeremy Could you please cover how to save interim weights, lets say if I wanted to average the params at specific points based on some conditions?


Thanks @zpnc . That makes things clear for me.

@yinterian Can that be done while the learning is running? Does the optimization not need to be paused before the params are saved?