Lesson 11 Discussion

Note: the complete collection of Part 2 video timelines is available in a single thread for keyword search.
Part 2: complete collection of video timelines

Lesson 11 video timeline:

00:00:30 Tips on using notebooks and reading research papers

00:03:15 Follow-up on lesson 10 and more word-to-image searches

00:07:30 Linear algebra cheat sheet for deep learning (student’s post on Medium)
& Zero-Shot Learning by Convex Combination of Semantinc Embeddings (arXiv)

00:10:00 Systematic evaluation of CNN advances on ImageNet (arXiv)
ELU better than RELU, learning rate annealing, different color transformations,
Max pooling vs Average pooling, learning rate & batch size, design patterns.

00:27:15 Data Science Bowl 2017 (Cancer Diagnosis) on Kaggle

00:36:30 DSB 2017: full preprocessing tutorial, + others.

00:48:30 A non-deep-learning approach to find lung nodules (research)

00:53:00 Clustering (and why Jeremy wasn’t a fan before)

01:08:00 Using Pytorch with GPU for ‘meanshift’ (clustering cont.)

01:22:15 Candidate Generation and LUNA 16 (Kaggle)

01:26:30 Accelerating K-Means on GPU via CUDA (research)

01:27:15 ChatBots ! (long section)
Starting with “memory networks” at Facebook (research)

01:57:30 Recurrent Entity Networks: an exciting area of research in Memory Networks

01:58:45 Concept of “Attention” and “Attentional Models”