Lesson 1 part 1 v2 custom images

Here are some of the ancillary things I used/learnt:

  • Images by web scrapping: https://github.com/hardikvasa/google-images-download
    ** ran from Windows cmd prompt, no need to call Python prompt, ran without the dollar sign, did pip install
    ** unless specified, it downloads the pics to the ‘Downloads’ folder

  • Image folder structure for Paperscape cloud machine: How to use your own Dataset for Lesson 1

  • Considered using PuTTY to transfer files to Paperscape cloud machine: https://it.cornell.edu/managed-servers/transfer-files-using-putty
    ** but used Jupyter Notebook in Chrome browser to upload the zipped folder but could not unzip inside the browser
    ** went back to Paperscape console to unzip

  • Change PATH in the Jupyter notebook code from the cats vs dogs example to what ever you chose
    ** there were couple of other locations where the phrase cats/dogs had to be renamed to your classes

  • Password for Paperscape cloud machine could not be copy pasted, I have to type it every time :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  • If you cannot access the Jupyter Notebook in the browser then check if your network provider is blocking port 8888

  • If you frequently stop and start Jupyter Notebook then the default port 8888 can become unavailable and Paperspace machine will start opening Jupyter Notebook with subsequent ports like 8889 etc

Thanks :+1:

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