Here are some of the ancillary things I used/learnt:
Images by web scrapping:
** ran from Windows cmd prompt, no need to call Python prompt, ran without the dollar sign, did pip install
** unless specified, it downloads the pics to the ‘Downloads’ folder -
Image folder structure for Paperscape cloud machine: How to use your own Dataset for Lesson 1
Considered using PuTTY to transfer files to Paperscape cloud machine:
** but used Jupyter Notebook in Chrome browser to upload the zipped folder but could not unzip inside the browser
** went back to Paperscape console to unzip -
Change PATH in the Jupyter notebook code from the cats vs dogs example to what ever you chose
** there were couple of other locations where the phrase cats/dogs had to be renamed to your classes -
Password for Paperscape cloud machine could not be copy pasted, I have to type it every time
If you cannot access the Jupyter Notebook in the browser then check if your network provider is blocking port 8888
If you frequently stop and start Jupyter Notebook then the default port 8888 can become unavailable and Paperspace machine will start opening Jupyter Notebook with subsequent ports like 8889 etc