Kaggle 'The Nature Conservancy Fisheries Monitoring' competition

@twairball I just checked my work.

I didn’t use the batch normalized version, after all I’m removing the dense layers and the convolutional layers aren’t batch normalized afaik.

So I’m just re-training the last two dense layers and changing the output layer to dense 8 with softmax activation as usual.

However, I noticed something out of usual that I had done …

Insipired by this:


… It seems that I decided to test Adadelta.

However, according to Kaggle, my second best is 1.07, and I’m pretty sure that I didn’t use Adadelta back then. Unfortunately I have only lately understood Jeremy’s words of reproducibility and I don’t recall what methods I used back then (12 days ago).

@tham Well, it could be a problem with your validation set. I was also thinking about this.

I found this notebook from Kaggle forums really helpful:


Based on that, I tested out 20, 40, 100 clusters and 100 clusters still seemed reasonable clustering when looking at the images. So I decided to use it.

And using this information I created my validation set.

Not sure if this helps a lot or not in the competition, but I was really unsure about my validation set also.

@torkku I was thinking the same thing too. Have you compared vs. random selected validation set?


I haven’t used them yet, but have saved these links for additional fish images:



What would be the correct approach? Mix these in with training dataset?

when running the script from lesson 7 (specifically the one with the bounding boxes) the results seem good, however when I leave one ship out (as did on state-farm) the net doesn’t find anything… here is an example:

in other words, I couldnt get it to work, while yolo and SSD can find things (not fish -need to retrain them…) out of the box.

any suggestions how can I make it work even when leaving one ship out?

@twairball I now had a chance to test using random validation set.

Using 15% of randomly selected validation data I managed to train it to 0.98/~0.95 accuracy which end up in Kaggle score of 1.12.

will it be helpful if we train a network just using fish? like picture from this http://www.fpir.noaa.gov/Graphics/OBS/obs_tuna/obs_albacore_tuna/obs_albacore_tuna1.jpg, I think this is the same concept as bounding-box, but will be much better, because the picture is much larger?

I find bounding box do not have much use to my result, what about you?

Hi @papaver,

I am also trying the same approach but couldn’t get satisfying results. I want to know how many epochs did you run? and also what weights did you use in the layers after convolution layers?
I was able to reach only to 1.31 logloss score, please suggest what else should I try.

Thanks in advance

Hi All,

I created my validation set by putting aside 20% of images from each category. I understand that training and test data might be different, so the losses might not be similar, but there is no sort of relation between my val-loss and kaggle-scoreboard loss. Even if my val-loss decrease, kaggle scoreboard loss increases. It’s very challenging to train a model without any sort of reference.

So, what approach did you guys take to create a reliable validation set, and how different is it from the test set?


Also, if anyone is in Germany (or anywhere in Europe for that matter!) that would want to team up on this, let me know!

US is fine too (I miss the Bay Area :wink: ) but the time zone differences could be a problem I think.

I used stratified KFold cross validation. You can then use the test predictions on your validation set as features for a meta model (although there is some information leakage). So you actually use all of the training data.

You can then combine the predictions of your k models for the test set (e.g.mean).

Doing this with a few models got me into top 10%, although I’ve probably fallen out since last time I checked. And that was without stacking, which would have been my next step.

A big thank you to Jeremy for the excellent guidelines and code!

I managed to get ~0.87 score with VGG pretrained features and Fully Convolutional Networks with lots of ensembling and data augumentation.
I also used bounding boxes(Lesson 7) and head tail data from here:

Has anyone used Resnet with good results on this dataset?
I am getting around ~1.7 val loss with Resnet.

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@pradeepg – I got good results from resnet using keras pretrained weight; did not try the head and tail data yet… is that in the annotations ? I did not see it…

I just used resnet yesterday, and ended up getting an val_loss of 1.13. That was with the simple Dense layers, today I’ll be experimenting with the GlobalAveragePooling2D, A Fully Convolutional model and utilizing bounding boxes with Resnet. I’d be happy to share my results!

I trained a Fully Convolutional Network on the fisheries data. It worked well. Then i used data augmentation and created 5 times the training data to train a Fully convolutional network. It doesn’t seem to converge at all, even with very low learning rates. What might be the reason ?

Manoj, I had the same issue. I got much better results with no augmentation, and I tried a lot of different augmentation parameters. The augmentation worked well on the cats and dogs images, but not on the fisheries ones - I think perhaps because the images are too noisy with boat features. I think if you made a 2-stage model, the first where you identified the fish then the second in which the fish was cut out and then augmented you might have better results, I don’t know…

@Christina, What surprised me was that model wouldn’t converge at all, no matter what the learning rate was. Even if the images are noisy, does a model not converge at some point or other?.

I definitely get convergence, but accuracy isn’t that great… What are you using for your augmentation parameters? Here is an example of one of mine:

train_image_data = ImageDataGenerator(horizontal_flip=True,

Try that and see if you have the same problem.

I actually ended up getting pretty decent results val_loss = 0.13 & a LB log_loss score of 0.9695, which makes me currently placed right above Jeremy’s last submitted score :wink: .

My approach is as follows,

  • I used the Resnet50 architecture, pre-computed the convolutional features for quick training.
  • Provided a Fully Convolutional model the output of the pre-computed convolutional features described above.
  • Training that model alone got me to a val_loss of 0.15.
  • Next I added pseudo labels and trained the fully connected model to obtain a val_loss of 0.13.
  • My final step was to perform data augmentation which led me to a val_loss of 0.15 but a high val_accuracy (0.96) and a 0.9695 log-loss on the leader board.

Hope that helps!

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