Kaggle Kernels Now Support GPU for Free

I was running into this problem last week as well, but this morning I seem to have successfully installed fastai as a custom package with the GPU enabled. (Importing also seems to work fine.)
Maybe try again now?

If you can’t install fastai 0.7.0, you can still backport the fix to use in your kernel. That’s what I did to get the Rossmann lesson to run successfully—you can check out my kernel here: https://www.kaggle.com/hortonhearsafoo/fast-ai-lesson-3

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Thank you so much. I see you ‘redefine’ the ColumnarModelData, I will try this out !

Also thank you for your help on the problem of tmp_name. i saw your post on this Kernel. Actually I first asked you this question in Kaggle but forget to check all your Kernel

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