Installing fastai on Windows 10: Failed building wheel for fiona

Hi all,

I am trying to install fastai on Windows 10. I have a 15" Surface Book 2. I am following the steps that Jeremy has posted, but when I run conda env update, I keep getting an error stating “Failed building wheel for fiona” I cannot for the life of me figure out how to resolve this. I would appreciate any help! I have a screenshot below if that is at all helpful. Thank you in advance for your help!


I’ve got the same issue with installing It follows from the traceback that fiona is a package that geopandas depends on, which plotnine depends on. Plotnine is a python version of the glorious ggplot2, so it is not strictly needed to train neural networks. However, it does get fetched via pip, so you have to build it. To solve the problem, you can do the following:

  1. Do the installation the usual way right until you encounter this error.
  2. Activate the environment with conda activate fastai
  3. Install prebuilt fiona with conda install fiona
  4. Run conda env update once again.
  5. You are ready to go, go ahead and activate the environment :slight_smile:

The following versions of plotnine (as stated at their github) will not depend on geopandas, so I hope this problem will just be fixed all by itself.