Instacart sorting shopping lists with deep learning using Keras and Tensorflow

Interesting article by Instacart and how they use Keras to sort shopping lists (you can ignore the emoji part since it is just for cutesy graphics in the article):

I’m only on lesson 5 so far, but will there be any discussion about their type of architecture and in particular ‘masked-soft max’ for considering items on the customer’s list in their first iteration?

It sounds like it just drops all items not on the customers list to 0 before it goes to the next stage. All items that are on the list are then given a confidence (or probability?) it should be chosen next. Is that correct?

When would this make sense from a performance reason?


Nice, glad to have found this one. I am also searching for the other article about Pinterest that Jeremy mentioned in the Lesson when teaching embeddings for structured data. Can anyone share the link please.