In-class discussion: Introductory workshop

It is also a good option

Do we need to add the billing details first or we can create a machine directly?
It’s not allowing me to do so.

@rishubhkhurana Sure, but I don’t want to pollute this thread as it’s dedicated to In-Class Discussion.

I suggest you create a post in the forum, once the class is done today :slight_smile:

Billing details first

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anyone else having trouble setting up paper space machine? my visa card get rejected some how.

Is anyone else experiencing a delay in provisioning of the machine on Paperspace?


Thanks bro

Same situation with me…waiting :expressionless:

Ended with this

Copy paste
from Mac to Paperspace is not working.

How to change password in paperspace?

type passwd into the terminal, then enter password provided in email from paperspace when the machine was prepared

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Stanford CS231n has a tutorial on GoogleCloud.

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hey when will aws setup be covered. :slight_smile:

Later today.

Anaconda and virtualenv serve the same purpose, right?

Can I switch back and forth between version 2.7 and 3.5 for python?

No they don’t…although Anaconda also allows you to do manage environments like virtualenv does…

I already have Python 2.7 installed from’s part1. @yinterian possible for Jeremy to help us in upgrading environment?