In-class discussion: Introductory workshop


I have been thinking about building my own rig. Could you share the blogs/guides you talked about?

Paperspace will only charge us if the machine is running, right?

What’s the billing zip for the visa card? anyone got idea?

Google platform also has Nvidia GPUs, so I think it is possible to use it on this course. Also, Google provided something like 100-300$ credits when I’ve tried it half of year ago.

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This is a nice guide.


There is a thread discussing getting set up on google cloud (How to set up env using Google Cloud?), although I think it will be easier to follow along directly with the course if you are using one of the options Jeremy is officialy supporting.

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It’s your address zip code.

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I am not sure we can use google cloud platform. If you figure out how to use it. Please add that to the forums.

I’ve requested a P5000 machine with Paperspace with as the message. Been about 10 min, I think. Can’t activate yet. Does it usually take longer?

Hey folks,
I have created a setup shell script to get a google Cloud instance ready for the course.
The script installs Python 3.6, PIP3, latest Theano, TensorFlow, Keras & PyThorch

It is assumed you have just created an instance with a K80 / P100 GPU and logged in with SSH:
just use:

chmod + x
sudo ./

Have fun


I chose the M4000 machine and it gave me the billing information.

Paperspace, Is it suitable for web-cam video streaming? to test our model

Yes, but there are some monthly charges, as Jeremy mentioned.

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Thanks much!. Will go through it.

It is also a good option

Do we need to add the billing details first or we can create a machine directly?
It’s not allowing me to do so.

@rishubhkhurana Sure, but I don’t want to pollute this thread as it’s dedicated to In-Class Discussion.

I suggest you create a post in the forum, once the class is done today :slight_smile:

Billing details first

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anyone else having trouble setting up paper space machine? my visa card get rejected some how.