In-class discussion: Introductory workshop

The map filter reduce blog post Jeremy showed ^


Most of time I have used the concept with apply function

You can also see the method docstring pressing shift+tab.

@jeremy aren’t you afraid that your “Cutting-edge” new DS coding style might be counter-productive for students during interviews with old-time recruiters ?


These are actually standard stuff.

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Learn to write Python like poetry:
Idiomatic Python

It actually helped me get a DS role!


how can i export my anaconda environment to my aws instance

"a = np.array([1.73, 1.68, 1.71, 1.89]) ; a"
is standard code stuff ?

it’s just how to create a numpy array.

conda update --all will update to latest release in that version. I uninstalled Anaconda and installed Anaconda for Python 3.6

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the “… ; a” on the same line ?

; or type command on the 2nd line. THis will execute each statement sequentially.

264 messages - mind blowing forum flow …


$ conda env export > environment.yml
$ conda env create -f environment.yml -n $ENV_NAME

You can add the --force switch on there if you don’t care much.

yep that’s just standard stuff.

granted i haven’t seen that sort of code in production environments! good for prototyping though

hey @PranY do i need to create my own custom ami to install my anaconda env on aws instance?

has anybody else not heard back from paperspace yet? It’s been about 2 hours since I signed up and tried to create a machine . . .

I just got approves 5 min ago . So have patience.