How to install Tensorflow for Part 1?

I am just starting out with Part 1 which is done in Theano. Following, Jermey’s advice I would like to do everything in the notebooks myself. As part of that, I think it would be better (for my learning) if I re-do everything in the notebooks in Tensorflow (instead of Theano).

I ran and got my EC2 instance up and running with jupyter running on it. However, I noticed that tensorflow is not available on it. Is there another AMI available that has Tensorflow in it? I was under the impression that part 2 is done in tensorflow so I thought there must be an AMI with tensorflow pre-installed on it.


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In the script provided by Jeremy edit the install-gpu script and delete the theano code and write tensorflow instead. example :- pip install tensorflow-gpu and edit the echo statements in keras part th to tf where th stands for theano and tf stands for tensorflow.

I am following with great interest the various sites for TensofFlow Installation: this seems to be good. However, I am not sure whether this handles computer vision and other Stuff.