Fast AI V1 on Kaggle Kernels now, but `torch` not compatible

I’m facing the same issue. @bhollan please update here if you have managed to send a PR and solve it… Even on google colab, fastai 0.7 is throwing up tensor float32 error. Unfortunately, I have updated my laptop to fastai 1.0. Kaggle is my only hope left.

Looks like fastai 1.0 dosent have ColumnarModelData, it’s changed to ColabFilteringDataset. I think I’ve to port the class definition into a cell and make sure its pytorchy 0.4.

I using this notebook as a reference,a getting Can only use .cat accessor with a 'category' dtype as the error while spiting into input pandas frame into train_ds and val_ds.

This helped me out … Kaggle kernel error - ModuleNotFound error importing 'fastai.structured'