Colaboratory and Fastai

My Google Collab in Cloudrizer is also not working. All imports show errors. I just found out that fastai github repo is being upgraded now, and was wondering if this is the cause. Anyone know how to solve this?

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Hi Prakash, I just started using Clouderizer for fastai and got errors from importing fastai. All the notebooks have the same issue. It seems other people are having similar issues today. I was wondering if this is because the fastai github is updating to v1 on Sep. 30th. Do you have any suggestions on how to solve this?

I see issues when importing fastai.structured

I’m getting the same issue. Was using clouderizer and colab for fast ai flawlessly a few months ago. Started it up again yesterday and haven’t been able to import any modules. Thought it was an issue with my account, created a fresh colab and clouderizer account and instances from scratch, but still the same issue.

If anyone figures anything out and can share it that would be great!

I can see the issue as well. We are working to get this resolved. Will update soon.

Found this thread from Jeremy from 2 days ago

Seems we need to modify Clouderizer project to use fastai version < 1. Since the lastest one is not compatible with course notebooks.

I will officially test this and make the changes in template soon.
(am travelling currently, so there might be some delay)

No worries, thanks @prakashgupta for the quick investigation


I am running the jupter notebook in google colab for FastAI-ML . I got the below error.

NameError: name ‘add_datepart’ is not defined

Can anybody suggest how can I use datepart in google Colab. I have already installed fastai library in google colab.


@kyap @xu4426912
I updated Clouderizer community template to use fastai lib version 0.7.0. That solves the issue for newly created projects.

To fix this for current projects, please do the following

  1. Edit the project and go to SETUP tab
  2. Under startup script, replace the
    pip install
    pip3 install fastai==0.7.0

Let me know if this works.


@prakashgupta: what about the new course?

Are there any plans to create 2 separate templates? One is for fastai==0.7.0 (old version) and the other is for fastai (current version).

So I guess my question is how to create a cloderizer project for the new fastai version?

Anyone managed to get v1 running on Colab? Everything works up until the stage. Looks like something is happening in the background but it never finishes and neither is any progress being printed. Suspect it is a widget issue.

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Hi Prakash,

As recommended by you. I modified the startup script to pip install fastai==0.7.0 so that I can use it for the older existing projects.

But no import seems to be working.

Please see the attached screen.



Make that pip3 install fastai==0.7.0

I updated the instructions above.


@prakash I deleted my previous fastai project and created a new project in which you have updated the startup script, but still no import is working.

I will again try to create a new project to see if something has been fixed since yesterday.

Thanks for your help as always. Working fine now :slight_smile:


Can you please execute 1 or 2 complete notebooks from dl1 and dl2 and verify if its working for you?

also verify if you have all the files in the data folder under the dl1 and dl2 folder bcoz for me lots of data files are missing?

I am also getting following error at colab while executing the notebooks from dl1 and dl2. I think its probably due to no GPU accelerator is not available - see the attached error.

Hi Now that fastai 1 is out, I wrote a short post on medium about using fastai 1 on Colab. Please check out if interested!

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Are you referring to this post?
Thanks for compiling it.

Did you manage to get the progress bars or any intermediate output to print during the training phases? I only see results being printed after each epoch.

Yes! Sorry I forgot the link (added now). You are good at finding stuff XD!!

For me, I was able to see the progress bar! (At least that’s what I remember but there’s slight chance that I don’t remember it correctly) But then GPU not available error kept me from using it anymore! So I cannot test it again.

Hah, I used this tool called google.

Hmm, wonder what’s wrong with mine then.