Assigning the factor levels to the embeddings tables

Hi there

Wanted to make sure that my approach in deriving and creating the embedding tables is on the right track.

to get the embeddings I doing as below:

embs = list()
for param in learn.model.embs.parameters():

then lets say take the embeddings for “sex”

sex_e = pd.DataFrame(to_np(embs[0]))

take the levels for the factor var

sex_names = pd.DataFrame(,columns=["sex"])

and lastly do the assignment

sex_emb = pd.concat([sex_names,sex_e], axis=1)

The above script assumes that the rows in the embedding table correspond to the gender levels as appeared in the data. In this case we have = [2,1,1,1,2,0,2,0,1,2,1,3]
so the sex_names = [2,1,0,3]

the ombedding table is
0 1
0 -0.413479 -0.037152
1 -0.323445 0.062252
2 0.220362 0.248682
3 0.200637 0.368422

so after the merging we have a df as:

sex	0	1

0 2 -0.413479 -0.037152
1 1 -0.323445 0.062252
2 0 0.220362 0.248682
3 3 0.200637 0.368422

Is this notion correct. I am concern as there is no way (well on my knowledge at least) to confirm the assignment.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.