Always can not import

In the first part I encountered two problems: one is the ImportError: cannot, import name plots, another is ImportError: No module named vgg16, so that 7 lines of code I can run, I should download VGg or how to do, please help me, thank you

OK, this is how you can organize the code for customized import (i.e. .py files with moduls you downloaded or wrote yourself and would like to import).
You have two options:

  1. Subdirectory of current project

  2. Your standard import path for your python installation.

  3. Subdirectory of current project
    Let’s say your project is in /home/user/awesome_project. Then make a subdir ~/awesome_project/utils.
    Place an (empty) file called in it (using your favourite text editor). If this reminds you of the __init__ constructor in class definitions this is not a coincidence. Python treats imported modules the same way.
    In that same subdirectory ./utils you place (at least) a second file with the class and function definitionas you’d like to include.
    In your notebook awesome.ipynb you include the following

from importlib import reload
import utils.cool_shorthands as cs; reload(cs)
from utils.cool_shorthands import *
```For explanation: reload lets you make changes to while your notebook is open and just Shift+Enter one more time to import the changed modules. This is handy, because you will likely want to make changes while you develop. 
The second line imports your cool_shorthands into namespace cs. So you can go like ```cs.shortcut()``` in your notebook. 
The third line imports all modules directly, so you don't have to explicitely write ```cs.``` Instead you can go ```shortcut()``` 
Use this with care as there may be other imported modules with functions called the same name. 
Note: You can place another file, e.g. `````` into ```./utils``` and import it using 
```import utils.dask_iterator as di```. You get the idea. 

2. Place it in your standard import path
The above was handy if you have a file for ONE project which you use to unclutter your notebook and move code out of the way. In case you'd like to re-use it in another project it is cumbersome to have to create the same subdirectory. Moreover, versioning could become a nightmare. So, you'd rather place it in the standard path. I am using anaconda3 and there you can find it using ```echo $PYTHONPATH``` on the command line. 
Likely you'll get something like ```/home/user/anaconda3/envs/my_dl_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages``` if you are running an environment called ```my_dl_env```. Customize as needed. Now, all you do is to create a subdir in this path e.g. ```./site_packages/utils```. 
Then you can import the same as described in 1.

This way you can unclutter your notebooks really well and get your own code base organized.
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