[Adv] Significant changes to fastai just pushed

(@ecdrid , that’s what I would like not to do if its possible, not to loose things already there :fearful:)

I @miguel_perez unfortunately once a machine is made we cannot overwrite it without deleting all data. I would recommend creating a new machine or you could also upgrade Pytorch to 0.3 on your existing machine which is what caused the issue.

Unfortunately that requires a little bit of legwork.

Another option would be to shoot an email to support@paperspace.com and they can convert you to a “team” which will give you access to shared drives. Then your data can live on a single drive that is shared among many instances.

Sorry none of these are ideal :frowning: We are really working hard to streamline this process and should have some new announcements soon.


@dillon, thanks for your answer, its ok, I will drop my current machine and create a new one, it is not such a big deal :grinning:

I had a small suggestion for the learn.fit() functions, these take about 5-10 minutes on p2 instances during which I read some other stuff. Is it possible to make a notification sound once the fitting finishes to avoid keeping them in idle states?

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@init_27 I havent tryied it but maybe you can check this out :grinning:: https://gist.github.com/iandanforth/fd9c98dc485592e354974e394ff6ae28

To verify that you’ve installed pillow-simd (a faster version of pillow) you can enter the following in Python:

import PIL

And you should see a version number (at or above 4.3.0) and most importantly something like “post0” at the end:


And not:


(I’m storing this piece of knowledge here for my future self and anyone else who can use it.)

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It’s not important any more however, since we use opencv, not Pillow.

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This might help someone having problems updating the conda env. Had been a while I hadn’t updated my environment. On trying to update using the recommended command:

conda env update

I got a rather unhelpful message:

NoPackagesFoundError: Dependencies missing in current linux-64 channels:
  - pytorch >=0.2.0 -> mkl >=2018
  - torchvision >=0.1.9 -> pytorch >=0.3 -> mkl >=2018

Panicked around a bit. Finally, the following worked for me:

  1. Activate the conda environment using: source activate fastai
  2. Then update conda: conda update conda
  3. Then update the env: conda env update

Oh, thanks… even i encountered this and was wondering why… BTW, is there any material that can compare openCV to PIL?